The failed, yet prideful, glam-rock star "Rummy McAnus" immediately felt that "ppchute1" might be difficult to get along with when he first responded with, "Good good just chillin. what about you dog?". "Dog" is a phrase commonly used by rappers or hip-hop enthusiasts; a group of people that Rummy tends to get into altercations with due to his flamboyant clothing style. When he announced that his night so far consisted of drinking Jack Daniels and listening to David Bowie, ppchute1 responded with, "David Bowie is fucking lame dog. Lil wyte and Freddie Gibbs is where its at". Rummy became infuriated and in his anger tried to type a message that possessed the same gravity of his emotions. During this time, ppchute1 messaged again, "Why do you like Bowie?". Rummy realized that he simply didn't know the greatness of the icon and hoped he could convince him of it. "DAVID BOWIE IS GOD!!! I played in a band inspired by his essence.... (etc.)," Rummy responded passionately. ppchute1 didn't seem too eager to argue and asked about what band at which Rummy further explained his "stardom" during the late 80's. The mood immediately changed when ppchute1 messaged, "Do you like to work out? I'd like to show you my guns sometime?". Used to being hit on often by gay men, though not sure if this was an attempt at a pass or not, Rummy typed, "I stay slim so i can get into my leather pants. I appreciate a righteous bod". And with that, the first night of messaging ceased.
The subsequent conversations were of little significance: small talk of poor- connection issues, nothing substantial for creating a new friendship. ppchute1 went on to exalt Freddie Gibbs (music far from Rummy's taste) and eventually asked the question, "Hey so whats your name?". "I have no name except Rummy man," the confused rocker answered. "Sorry i didn't answer earlier, i've been binging with my white girl for days". And here the conversations abruptly ended. For the most part, Rummy found the bar to be a better catalyst for meeting people.
As you can probably tell, I had fun creating the brand new, totally anonymous persona of Rummy. He possessed many traits of my personality taken to the extreme and a lifestyle that I felt was quite comical. Upon receiving the assignment, I realized that the method of students randomly selecting their partners was flawed because each would end up getting two chat buddies. This wasn't much of an issue, however, because I felt that then there would be more room to further develop my persona. I never ended up getting in touch with my other partner because "she" (the name implies) never was online to respond to my messages. I began to see that the main flaw in the assignment was entirely student-based. The sheer anonymity of the assignment denied the use of cell phones between partners so no certain time could be agreed on to chat. It seemed that students failed to take the initiative and check their AIM accounts frequently. The last problem i hoped would not occur was when my partner asked what my real name was, which would have negated the whole purpose. I suppose its a good thing that our conversations ended after that, but i really would have enjoyed going deeper into the life of Rummy.
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