Monday, November 14, 2011

Purple Dragon

           Our Flickr story was called The Attack of the Purple Dragon.  The first scene depicted a peaceful evening on campus as the group is dropping a friend off at the grill.  On the way back, the peaceful evening is changed as the second scene revealed a tipped over bicycle, followed with a dragon shadow against the moon.  This leads to a panic of our group, which is depicted by the scared expressions on their faces when confronted by the beast.  Unfortunately, in the next scene the first of the three deaths are shown.  Luckily for Lawrence University, a courageous student fights off the dragon. The student then makes the front page of the Lawrentian the following day.   
            While preparing for the project we brainstormed ideas eventually deciding on a dragon attack.  We thought that it would be interesting and would provide some cool action shots.  From here we met and began to write out a template of how the story would go and what type of shots would be included for each frame.  We found Flickr to be a really easy tool to use and had the photos uploaded, described, and tagged in less than 15 minutes.  The tags we chose to use were usually a word that described the scene or what was in the scene. We used these tags so that if people searched for those keywords our photoshoot would show up.
             I could see where Flickr could be a great tool to get ideas and images across the web for other people to see. Photos are randomly cycled through each time the page is refreshed, and by searching for a phrase allowing users to find tagged images.   Since it is a free website people can easily upload images, arrange them in any order, and then share them via Facebook, email, or Twitter. The tool allows for people to set shots, and get the right feeling or emotions for what they would like to convey to the audience.  It also allows for many shots to be uploaded from more than one user, the uploaders can pick and choose which shot worked best. For instance our group could have separated into two teams and taken shots at different locations, the same can be done with any two people, anywhere, who share the same account. Flickr offers a way of self-expression, collaborative photography, and even practice for aspiring photographers. Like Youtube, Flickr provides people a way to go from a no name to a professional photographer. Overall Flickr was an effective, fun, and easy to use for our project.

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